Monday, January 26, 2009

I didn't do much this weekend, but it feels like it lasted awhile. Basically just hung around Flemington with Bryan. Ate a lot of french toast, was unsuccessful at finding winter shoes, hung our heads out of my bedroom window, napped, shoplifted, made necklaces, watched Californication and Dexter, and got a call back from Staples, of all places. I have a job interview today at noon. Class from 1:30-3:00. I need to brush my teeth and maybe brush my hair. Am on a reading kick, finally. Had a long dream about Tracey Luscia this morning and I've never missed her more. My mirror from the abandoned farmhouse is broken and tiny pieces of glass litter my floor. I cut my toe on a piece last night and little bits keep scraping on my feet when I walk. I have felt so fucking lonely lately. Really reflective and just plain sad. While hanging my head out the window to my backyard, I couldn't help but see all the people there. People I knew intimately, people I knew for only a short period of time, people I hardly knew at all that were there anyway. I miss hanging out, having fun, staying up late, having parties, spending time with people. Talking. I miss talking. If you ever want to hang out, I'll be available. If you ever want to talk, I'll talk. I miss having friends. I miss my friends. I miss you and you and you and you and you and you and you and I could go on and on, but I'll stop now. I want to go away this summer, but it's proven to be difficult. Why does it have to be hard? Why can't I just go?


  1. just come to new york already. you're due for a visit.

  2. I wanna be one of the you's! Hang in there baby.

  3. I miss it all too. So, so much. I've found myself in a funk lately. It's tough sitting here in school while the world continues to go 'round; that thought haunts me night and day. As soon as spring break rolls around, I'll be there to give you a big hug, because that's all I want to do right now, hug my mollie tight and not leave her!
