Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sitting in the RV library right now. I got here too many hours early because I thought I had English today. Nope. Feeling lonely, but enjoying the quiet. Bryan came back with me from Philly Sunday night and he skipped work Monday, so we both got to enjoy the snow day. We went to Auto Zone to get a radiator hose (or something) for his car and then made french toast for ourselves, Pat, and Linda. Hung out, played video games, watched TV and movies. I got rid of lots of clothes that I don't wear anymore...desperately trying to free up space for Lindsay's things. It will be cramped, but we can do it. I think she is officially moving in today or tomorrow. We still have lots of work to do regarding organization and overall cleaning (the dust!). I have Sociology in a little less than an hour. Sitting and drinking chai tea now. Missing Bryan. Missing summer still. Missing lots of things. Missing friends. Spring is around the corner. I can't wait for it. I want it to be so warm that I can drive at night with the windows down. Driving down the shore. Feeling young and alive and whole and happy. I'm starting at PNC today. Training at the Walter Foran Blvd. branch for about a week, then going to work at the one I was hired at. I guess I'll be learning the basics and taking online modules. I have to pass lots of tests, I think. A lot of it is self-taught. Needless to say, I'm really nervous and afraid I'll fuck this up and be unemployed again. I need to save as much money as humanly possible. I need to be ready to go in September, October, whenever. But I'm trying not to sweat it so much. I'm trying to keep my cool and be sociable and learn everything as quickly and efficiently as I can. Hopefully, if all goes well, they can transfer me to a branch in Philadelphia. We'll see.

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